Endless Opportunities
After 2 decades of experience in the pacific region including Vanuatu, Fiji and Samoa, Urban Tech came to life with the vision of helping the community and people of Samoa to bridge the gap in technology and help level the playing field and offer more opportunities to our people.
We have the Expertise and Skills to build your network from scratch to your email servers, websites, file servers, application, firewall, dns and many more. We can also design your network so you can be independent from your ISPs giving you the freedom to use your own IP Blocks/ASN Number from APNIC adding another layer of security to your IT infrastructure.
We have been engaged by SITA(Samoa Information Technology Association) to setup E-Learning Platform – MOODLE to 7 schools which are part of the UNDP-SITA project from 2020 to 2022. We are happy to report that Urban Tech is managing this project by setting up all Moodles systems, Zoom, Turnitin and Upguards services to all 7 schools involved in this project.